Shunsuke Shimizu (清水駿介)
Former master's course student in
Group MMM (Hasuo Laboratory),
Department of Computer Science,
The University of Tokyo; and
former assistant in
Group MMM,
National Institute of Informatics.
My supervisor was Ichiro Hasuo.
Now I'm working on industry, twiddling deep artificial neural networks with mathematical reasoning, low-level optimizations and shamanism.
- Name
- Given name
- Shunsuke (駿介)
- Family name
- Shimizu (清水)
- E-mail
- let atmark = "@" in
concat ["shunsuke", atmark, ""]
Research Interests
- Greatest and Least Fixed Points
- Algebra and Coalgebra
- General intention is: to pursue theoretical foundation of modern computer architecture.
Papers and Theses
Coalgebra に対する線形時相様相論理によるモデル検査に向けて
CSCAT 2015, Kagoshima, Japan, Mar. 2015.
(Oral presentation only.)
Teaching Experiences
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