Xiao-Yi Zhang / 張 逍怡
National Institute of Informatics
Zhang, X. Y.
, Arcaini, P., Ishikawa, F., and Liu, K. (2020, October). Investigating the Configurations of an Industrial Path Planner in Terms of Collision Avoidance. In2020 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), in press
Liu, K.,
Zhang, X. Y.
,, Arcaini, P., Ishikawa, F., and Jiao, W. (2020, June). Leveraging test logs for building a self-adaptive path planner. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (pp. 57-63).
Zhang, X. Y.
, and Zheng, Z. (2020). Exploring the Characteristics of Spectra Distribution and Their Impacts on Fault Localization. In Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (pp. 100-109).
Zhang, X. Y.
, Arcaini, P., and Ishikawa, F. (2019, November). Assessing the Relation Between Hazards and Variability in Automotive Systems. In 2019 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS) (pp. 190-199). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
, and Zheng, Z. (2019, December). A Visualization Analytical Framework for Software Fault Localization Metrics. In 2019 IEEE 24th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC) (pp. 148-14809). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
,, and Zheng, J. (2019, August). A Framework for Localizing Aging-Related Bugs in a Random and Dynamic Way. In 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech) (pp. 693-698). IEEE.
Pruekprasert, S.,
Zhang, X. Y.
,, Dubut, J., Huang, C., and Kishida, M. (2019, October). Decision making for autonomous vehicles at unsignalized intersection in presence of malicious vehicles. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 2299-2304). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Zheng, Z., and Cai, K. Y. (2018). Exploring the usefulness of unlabelled test cases in software fault localization. Journal of Systems and Software, 136, 278-290.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Zheng, Z., and Cai, K. Y. (2017). A fortification model for decentralized supply systems and its solution algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(1), 381-400.
Zheng, Z., Liu, Y.,
Zhang, X. Y.
(2016). The more obstacle information sharing, the more effective real-time path planning?. Knowledge-Based Systems, 114, 36-46.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Zheng, Z., Zhang, S., and Du, W. (2016). Partial interdiction median models for multi-sourcing supply systems. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(1-4), 165-181.
Guo, Y.,
Zhang, X. Y.
, and Zheng, Z. (2016, June). Exploring the instability of spectra based fault localization performance. In 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) (Vol. 1, pp. 191-196). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Towey, D., Chen, T. Y., Zheng, Z., and Cai, K. Y. (2015, July). Using partition information to prioritize test cases for fault localization. In 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 121-126). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Towey, D., Chen, T. Y., Zheng, Z., and Cai, K. Y. (2015, July). Using partition information to prioritize test cases for fault localization. In 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 121-126). IEEE.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Zheng, Z., Zhu, Y., and Cai, K. Y. (2014). Protection issues for supply systems involving random attacks. Computers and operations research, 43, 137-156.
Zhang, X. Y.
, Zheng, Z., Zhu, Y., and Zhang, S. (2014). Hierarchical-network based fortification approach for supply system [J]. Syst Eng Electron, 36(10), 1982-1993. [In chinese]
Zheng, Z., Guo, Z., Zhu, Y., and
Zhang, X. Y.
(2014). A critical chains based distributed multi-project scheduling approach. Neurocomputing, 143, 282-293.
Zhu, Y., Zheng, Z.,
Zhang, X. Y.
, and Cai, K. (2013). The r-interdiction median problem with probabilistic protection and its solution algorithm. Computers and Operations Research, 40(1), 451-462.
Zheng, Z.,
Zhang, X. Y.
, Liu, W., Zhu, W., and Hao, P. (2014). Adapting real-time path planning to threat information sharing. In Knowledge Engineering and Management (pp. 317-329). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.