(Ver. 2024/11)
Ichiro Hasuo, Ph.D., is a Professor at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan. He is at the same time the Research Director of the JST ERATO ``Metamathematics for Systems Design'' Project, and the Director of Research Center for Mathematical Trust in Software and Systems at NII. He received PhD (cum laude) in Computer Science from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, in 2008 where he was affiliated with the Security of Systems group and supervized by Prof.Dr. Bart Jacobs. Before the current position, he held an Assistant Professor position at Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, Lecturer and Associate Professor positions at Department of Computer Science, the University of Tokyo, and an Associate Professor position at NII. His research field is software science and his interests include formal verification, mathematical and logical structures, integration of formal methods and testing, and application to cyber-physical systems and systems with statistical machine learning components. He is a recipient of Hiroshi Fujiwara Encouragement Prize for Mathematical Sciences in 2012 (supported by Mathematical Society of Japan), the best paper awards at CONCUR 2014 (jointly with Natsuki Urabe) and at ICECCS 2018 (jointly with Etienne Andre and Masaki Waga), and the distinguished paper award at CAV 2023 (jointly with Mayuko Kori, Flavio Ascari, Filippo Bonchi, Roberto Bruni, and Roberta Gori); a JST PRESTO researchership; a JST ERATO project (three were granted in 2016 out of proposals from all scientific fields); and a JST ASPIRE grant. He is an editorial board member of Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, and a steering committee member for the conference/workshop series ATVA, CALCO and GaLoP. He has served in more than 70 program committees of international conferences and workshops.
The Mathematical Society of Japan, Japan Society of Software Science and Technology, Information Processing Society of Japan, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (Japan), Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
- Professor,
Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division,
National Institute of Informatics.
April 1 2022–present.
- Director, Research Center for Mathematical Trust in Software and Systems,
National Institute of Informatics.
April 1 2022–present.
- Founder & Director, Imiron Co., Ltd..
October 1 2024–present.
- Director, Global Research Center for Systems Design and Mathematics,
National Institute of Informatics.
November 1 2017–March 31 2022.
- Associate Professor,
Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division,
National Institute of Informatics.
April 1 2017–March 31 2022.
- Associate Professor,
Department of Informatics,
School of Multidisciplinary Sciences,
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).
Apr 2017–present.
- Visiting Researcher,
Research Organization of Science and Technology,
Ritsumeikan University.
July 15 2021–March 31 2022.
- Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Tokyo.
Aug 2015–Mar 2017.
- Visiting Associate Professor,
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University.
Apr 2015–Mar 2016.
- Lecturer,
Department of Computer Science,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Tokyo.
Apr 2011–Jul 2015.
- Assistant Professor,
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University.
May 2007–Mar 2011.
- Researcher,
Math Team,
PRESTO Research Promotion
Japan Science and Technology Agency.
October 2007–Mar 2011.
- Junior Researcher,
Dept. of Computer Science,
Radboud University Nijmegen.
March 2004–April 2007.
Principal Investigator, JST ASPIRE "Network of Software Studies towards Social Trust in Information Technologies" (a grant for international collaboration with Bart Jacobs, Joost-Pieter Katoen, and Sam Staton, Grant No. JPMJAP2301). Feb 2024-Mar 2029.
Principal Investigator, JST
START (Commercialization Support) "Real-World Deployment of Automated Driving via Logical Explanation of Quality of Software" (No. JPMJST2213). Nov 2022-Mar 2025.
Research Director, JST
HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project (No. JPMJER1603). Oct 2016-Mar 2022. Extended till Mar 2025.
Principal Investigator, Manufacturing Support by Category Theory and Mathematical Logic: from Software Science to Systems Engineering (Project No. 15KT0012), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Generative Research Field (KAKENHI Kiban B Tokusetsu-Bunya), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Jul 2015-Mar 2019.
Principal Investigator (on the Japanese side; together with Ugo Dal Lago on the INRIA side), Concurrent, Resourceful and Effectful COmputation, by Geometry of Interaction (CRECOGI),
JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Project with INRIA ("AYAME Program"),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Apr 2015-Mar 2018.
Principal Investigator, Probabilistic Extension of Geometry of Interactionfrom Categorical Semantics to Big Data (Project No. 15K11984), Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Apr 2015-Mar 2018.
Principal Investigator, Taming New Computing ParadigmsDiverse Techniques in Semantics United, Enhanced and Applied (Project No. 24680001), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (KAKENHI, Category A), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Apr 2012-Mar 2016.
- Co-investigator, Aihara
Innovative Mathematical Modelling Project, FIRST Program, JSPS/CSTP. Apr 2012-Mar 2014.
- Principal Investigator,
Foundation of Modular Verification via Stone-Like Dualities and the Microcosm Principle (Project No. 23654033), Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Apr 2011-Mar 2013.
Research Promotion Program,
Japan Science and Technology Agency. Oct 2007-Mar 2011.
- Title: Mathematics for "Science of Computer Systems"
- Editorial board member: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
- Steering committee member:
- Program committee member:
LICS 2016,
ICTAC 2025,
ATVA 2025,
Highlights 2025,
CAV 2025,
ASD @ DATE 2025,
ICALP 2025,
TACAS 2025,
ATVA 2024,
Highlights 2024,
RP 2024,
QP 2024,
CAV 2024,
LICS 2024,
CMCS 2024,
FoSSaCS 2024,
ICCPS 2024,
FMAS 2023,
APLAS 2023,
EMSOFT 2023,
ATVA 2023,
CAV 2023,
QP 2023,
FM 2023,
POPL 2023,
EMSOFT 2022,
WADT 2022,
ATVA 2022,
CONCUR 2022,
CMCS 2022,
FASE 2022,
QEST 2021,
EMSOFT 2021,
CAV 2021,
FM 2021,
FSCD 2021,
MT-CPS 2021,
POPL 2021,
APLAS 2020,
EMSOFT 2020,
ICFEM 2020,
FMICS 2020,
NSV 2020,
CONCUR 2020,
MT-CPS 2020,
HSCC 2020,
FoSSaCS 2020,
EMSOFT 2019,
CyPhy 2019,
ICFEM 2019,
APLAS 2019,
CALCO 2019,
CONCUR 2019,
NSV 2019,
ICALP 2019,
FORTE 2019,
SNR 2019,
MT-CPS 2019,
HSCC 2019,
POPL 2019,
CyPhy 2018,
ICFEM 2018,
EMSOFT 2018,
CONCUR 2018,
CMCS 2018,
LICS 2018,
MT-CPS 2018,
HSCC 2018,
FoSSaCS 2018,
MT-CPS 2017,
LSFA 2017,
CALCO 2017,
HSCC 2017,
QPL 2016,
MT CPS 2016,
HSCC 2016,
CMCS 2016 (chair),
LOLA 2015,
QPL 2015,
CALCO 2015,
LICS 2015,
TTCS 2015,
QPL 2014 (co-chair),
MFPS XXX (2014),
IFIP TCS 2014,
GaLoP 2014,
FLOPS 2014,
ICE 2013,
HAS 2013,
CALCO 2013,
LfSA 2012,
MSFP 2012,
CMCS 2012,
CALCO 2011,
AMAST 2010,
FM-DS 2009,
ICE '09,
ICE '08.
- Organizing committee member:
ATVA 2024 (general chair),
QPL 2014 (chair),
NII Shonan Meeting on Coinduction,
NII Shonan Meeting on Hybrid Systems.
- Member, IFIP WG 1.3 (Foundations of System Specification), from January 2020.
- Advisor, BOOST Program (for Young Researchers) Program (Program Officer: Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). 2024.8-
- Advisor, "Frontier of mathematics and information science" Research Area (Directed by Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi), ACT-X Program, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). 2019.4-
Best Paper Award (jointly with
Kittiphon Phalakarn
Sasinee Pruekprasert),
The 21st International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2024)
, for the paper Winning Strategy Templates for Stochastic Parity Games Towards Permissive and Resilient Control.
Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category), The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (jointly with
Fuyuki Ishikawa
Shin-ya Katsumata),
April 2024.
- Distinguished Paper Award (jointly with
Mayuko Kori,
Flavio Ascari,
Filippo Bonchi,
Roberto Bruni,
Roberta Gori), CAV 2023. Certificate
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, EMSOFT 2022.
- Best paper award (jointly with Etienne Andre and Masaki Waga), ICECCS 2018.
- Best paper award (jointly with Natsuki Urabe), CONCUR 2014.
- Hiroshi Fujiwara Encouragement Prize for Mathematical Sciences (supported by Mathematical Society of Japan), 2012.
- PhD (cum laude), Radboud University Nijmegen, 2008.
(Slides are found here; those in Japanese are listed here)
- Invited talk and tutorial, ICTAC 2024, Bangkok, Thailand, 25 & 27 November 2024.
- Invited talk, the 3rd Workshop on Safety Testing and Validation of Connected and Automated Vehicles at ITSC 2023, Bilbao, Spain, 24 September 2023.
- Panelist, Verification Mentoring Workshop at CAV 2023. 18 July 2023.
- OASIS: The Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures, 19,
June 2023.
Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) @ POPL 2021 (online).
18 January 2021.
Coalgebra, Now @ FLoC 2018 Workshop, Oxford, UK.
8 July 2018.
Game Semantics 25 Workshop, Oxford, UK.
8 July 2018.
- SynCoP 2018,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
15 April 2018.
- CyPhy 2017,
Seoul, South Korea.
19 October 2017.
- FSCD 2016, Porto, Portugal, June 24, 2016.
- CMCS 2014, Grenoble, France, April 2014.
Featured invited talk, Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting, Ehime Univ., Sept 2013.
- GaLoP VIII, Queen Mary Univ. London. July 2013.
- ICE 2012,
5th Workshop on Interaction and Concurrency Experience,
Stockholm, June 16, 2012,
a satelite event of DisCoTec 2012.
Lecture Notes
- Introduction to Logic and Computability, for the course "Information Logic" at Dept. Information Science, the University of Tokyo.
I was in charge of the course from 2011 to 2016. A Japanese version, coauthored with Kazuyuki Asada, is coming soon.
- Born Sep 1978, in Omuta, Japan. Male. Married to Kumiko (Apr 23, 2011) with our son Ken (born Feb 2016).