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Mathematical Semantics of Computer Systems (AY 2016)
- Monday 10.25 - 12.10
- Room 102, School of Science Bldg. No. 7 (map)
- For Graduate Students. Code: 4810-1168
- Lectures are in English
Course Objective
Correctness of computer systems and programs is a pressing issue in the modern world. Their verification—providing mathematical proofs for their correctness—calls for their mathematical modeling; this is what the field called semantics is all about. The course introduces some basic techniques in the field, most notably those which employ category theory.
category theory, lambda calculus, type theory, logic, categorical semantics, algebraic semantics, denotational semantics, algebra, coalgebra, automaton, fibration, categorical logic
- [Lambek & Scott 1986]
J. Lambek, P. J. Scott, Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic.
Cambridge University Press, 1988
- [Awodey 2010]
S. Awodey, Category Theory.
Oxford University Press, 2010.
- [Leinster 2014]
T. Leinster, Basic Category Theory.
Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- [Jacobs 2012]
Bart Jacobs, Introduction to Coalgebra: Towards Mathematics of States
and Observations. Draft of a book, available online. 2012
- [Jacobs, 1999]
Bart Jacobs, Categorical Logic and Type Theory.
Elsevier Science, 1999
Besides the above ones, there is a series of fantastic online lectures on category theory by Eugenia Cheng and Simon Willerton. Recommended!
Course Structure (Tentative)
- Basic Category Theory
We exhibit basic constructs in category theory used in the
subsequent parts.
- categories, functors, natural transformations
- monoids and preorders as degenerate cases
- epis and monos
- (co)products, (co)equalizers, (co)limits
- adjoint functors, equivalences of categories
- exponents, Cartesian closed categories
We will roughly follow [Lambek & Scott 1986, Part 0] which is
however way too fast for beginners; [Awodey 2010, Leinster 2016] will be nice
supplementary material.
Goal of Part I: familiarize yourself with the Yoneda lemma,
a celebrated result in category theory by Prof. Nobuo Yoneda (Dept. IS, U. Tokyo), desirably in its end/coend form.
The Curry-Howard-Lambek Correspondence
As a first example of categorical semantics, a correspondence
between typed lambda-calculi and Cartesian closed categories is
introduced. An emphasis is on the view that categorical semantics
is an extension of algebraic semantics (such as Boolean algebras
for classical logic and Heyting algebras for intuitionistic logic).
- typed lambda-calculi
- natural deduction for intuitionistic logic
- syntactic presentation of Cartesian closed categories
- free Cartesian closed categories and completeness
We will follow [Lambek & Scott 1986, Part 1] omitting
some topics.
Goal of Part II: the
completeness result for Moggi's computational lambda-calculus
as an extension of the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence, following
Computational lambda-calculus and monads. Tech. Report ECS-LFCS-88-66, Edinburgh Univ., 1988. [pdf]
Coalgebras and State-Based Transition Systems
Our second usage of category theory has quite different a flavor:
it models various state-based transition systems as coalgebras, a
categorical dual of algebras. Here the view of categories as
"many-sorted algebras (or monoids)" is not so important as in the
previous part---in fact we will almost exclusively work in the
category of sets and functions. An alternative categorical
genericity from which we benefit is a functor as a parameter: it
allows to develop a uniform theory of state-based systems like
automata of various kinds (deterministic, nondeterministic,
probabilistic, or even quantum).
- coalgebraic modeling
- bisimulation
- final coalgebras
- (process algebra and bialgebra)
We will follow [Jacobs 2012, Chapters 1-3].
Goal of Part III:
Familiarize yourself with \emph{coinduction as a proof
principle}. Prove some stream equalities with the principle.
Fibrations and Categorical Logic
The last part introduces a more advanced bit of category theory,
namely the theory of fibrations that are a categorical way of
"organizing indexed entities." It will be applied to modeling
predicate logic, extending Part 2. If time allows another
application, namely coinductive predicates in state-based
transition systems, will be introduced. This will unify the views
in Parts 2--3 and illustrate the versatility of the mathematical
language of category theory.
- fibrations
- indexed categories, the Grothendieck construction
- fiberwise structures
- (co)products between fibers
- equational logics as fibrations
- first-order predicate logics as fibrations
- (inductive and coinductive predicates)
The topics are picked from [Jacobs, 1999]
Goal of Part IV: Understand coinduction up-to formulated in a fibration,
as in
Filippo Bonchi, Daniela Petrisan, Damien Pous, Jurriaan Rot: Coinduction up-to in a fibrational setting. CSL-LICS 2016: 20
Course Material
Coming soon
Based on homework assignments.
- 2016.9.26 (Mon)
Introduction to the course. Started with the definition of category, with Sets as the first example. In the next lecture we will start with further examples. We had 30+ audience :)
- 2016.10.3 (Mon)
We had even more attendants :) Went slowly, through first examples of categories (preorders, monoids and the category of monoids), and the definition of product.
- 2016.10.17 (Mon)
Products, coproducts, universality, monos, epis, isomorphisms.
report solution
- 2016.10.24 (Mon)
Functors, natural transformations, Galois connections, and the (equational) definition of adjunction.
- 2016.10.31 (Mon)
Adjunctions: definition, examples, characterization by a natural isomorphism between homfunctors.
Report assignment: answer the questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b in the notes found at this link. Part of the answers are there; you need to fill in the details and complete the proofs. Your report is due at the beginning of the next lecture (Mon 7 Nov).
Report Answer
- 2016.11.7 (Mon)
Further on adjunctions; limits and colimits. In the next lecture we will start with formal definitions of (co)limit. The report assignments in the original handout have been canceled.
- 2016.11.14 (Mon)
Definitions of (co)cone, (co)limit; the construction of (co)limits via (co)products and (co)equalizers; and how they translate in the category Sets. Next: adjunction and limits.
- 2016.11.21 (Mon)
Limits and colimits as adjoints; intro. to the Yoneda lemma; full and faithful functors. There is a report assignment.
report answer
- 2016.11.28 (Mon)
(Canceled due to the lecturer's sudden severe fever... my apologies)
- 2016.12.5 (Mon)
Finished the part on the Yoneda lemma (sketching its (co)end presentations). Started introduction to algebraic semantics, with the question "how do we prove absence of a proof tree?".
- 2016.12.12 (Mon)
Finished algebraic semantics, and untyped lambda-calculus (syntax, beta-conversion). In the next lecture we're gonna start with the syntax of simply typed lambda-calculus.
- 2016.12.19 (Mon)
Typed lambda-calculus, its categorical semantics (types as objects, terms as arrows), introduction to exponentials. Next: formal definition of exponentials.
notes (available only from the UTokyo network)
- 2017.1.9 (Mon) (Public holiday, no lecture)
- 2017.1.16 (Mon)
Exponentials, the adjunction induced by them, and recap of the typed lambda-calculus. Next: soundness of CCCs and coalgebra.
- 2017.1.23 (Mon)
Finished the categorical semantics of typed lambda-calculus.
(There was a mistake in the handout: in the equation (2) evens should be odds. It's corrected now)
- 2017.1.30 (Mon)
On coalgebras and categorical modeling of state-based dynamics.
(There was a mistake in the handout: in the equation (2) evens should be odds. It's corrected now)